Overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome to achieve your goals and feel fulfilled.

Coaching & Hypnotherapy for high-achievers.

Smiling woman in purple cardigan and jeans sits on an indoor bench next to a plant and a window
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If you’re a perfectionist who puts too much pressure on yourself and you’re sick of that negative voice in your head always dragging you down, you’re in the right place!

I’m here to help you find purpose in life, prioritise your wellbeing, create more space for the moments of joy and build the life you dream about.

Free relaxing meditation

Get your free relaxing meditation to help you release stress, reconnect to yourself and feel calmer.

Create some time for yourself and listen to this meditation to support you to slow down, reduce the sound of the loud inner critic and give you the feeling of calm you've been looking for!

I support you to take control of your own life, change unwanted habits and find more time for yourself.

Break free from self-doubt and constant stress to feel calmer and more confident. I help you to get out of your head and stop being negative towards yourself. We do this through understanding your goals, values, who you are, what is keeping you stuck and why. We work to remove these things from your life. Then we make way for the new habits, beliefs and behaviours you want to have instead.

My approach is open, honest and compassionate.

Work with me

3 month 1:1 life coaching programme

Overcome self-doubt and find purpose with 1:1 Life Coaching. For high-achievers ready to get out of their own way. This is for you if you’re stuck in a constant loop of procrastination, perfectionism and self-doubt.

Inner Reset: 2 hour
deep-dive session

2 hour breakthrough session to work through a challenge and set goals. Push the reset button and boost motivation. For the people drowning in overwhelm and self-doubt who want to shift their mindset and find clarity on their goals.

Reiki healing in Nottingham

Improve your wellbeing with a Reiki session tailored to you & your needs. Reiki is a powerful energy healing technique that can be done in person or online.

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Jess is an amazing life coach and I really enjoyed our time working together. She helped me to change my mindset for the better. After our 3 months, I was much more motivated, less stressed, and overall more confident and positive. Would definitely recommend!

3 month 1:1 life coaching package

Get to know me…

I’m Jess Pollard - Transformational coach and Hypnotherapist.

I empower ambitious, high-achievers to turn the volume down on their inner critic, stop stressing and achieve their big goals.

Through my own healing journey, investing in myself and the support of various other amazing practitioners, I’ve made some amazing changes in my life that I would have never thought possible. I became a life coach because I want to empower others to do the same and help them to realise that it IS possible to change those things that aren’t working anymore.

Find out more about me →

Smiling woman stood in the street under a rainbow with her arm up doing a peace sign. Buildings in the background

Work with me

Below are some of the ways you can work with me. You can also contact me via the form to book a intro call to have a chat about how we can work together in a way that’s right for you, or ask me any questions that you have.

1:1 programme →

Inner Reset: 2 hour deep dive session →

Reiki session →

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Prioritise self-care, boost your wellbeing and achieve your goals with freebies, tools & resources designed for you.

Includes podcasts, downloadable resources, meditations, and journal prompts.